Monthly tuition is charged automatically from your account on the first business day of each month. Tuition rates are as follows:
30-minute class: $29/month
45-minute class: $39/month
60-minute class: $49/month
75-minute class: $59/month
90-minute class: $69/month
Adult Dance: $10 drop in/class
Dancers will be billed $50 at the time of registration. If there are two or more dancers registering in a family, $15 will be applied for each additional child. Adult Dance classes do not have registration fees. Registration fees are non-refundable.
One of the most exciting parts of learning dance is being able to show off your development in an end of year recital. All dancers are automatically enrolled into recital unless you have informed the director, by emailing, by October 30th. Costume fees are divided up into two payments. The first will drop November 1st and the second on December 1st. Recital fees will be added February 1st. Costume and recital fees are non-refundable.
If you register after the above dates, Costume and Recital Fees will be added to your account within a week of registration if class costume is still available through the costume companies. We cannot guarantee a costume if you register after the costumes have been ordered as costumes sell out quickly.
Please note, Acro, Pre-Pointe, and all Adult Dance classes are not included in the end of year recital. Acro and Pre-Pointe will have an in-class showing at the end of each semester.
Costume Fee:
$65 per costume for Toddler Time classes
$70 per costume for classes in the Kindergarten classes and younger
$85 per costume for each Level 1 - 4 class
Recital Fee:
$40 for the first dancer
$10 per additional dancer in family
In registering for class at Elevé, we anticipate that you will continue the class until the end of the school year. In many cases, our classes are full and students are turned away because they can’t get into the class. If you wish to drop a class, you will be charged a $50 cancellation fee. Please let us know of your intent to drop before the end of the month. All registration, tuition, recital, and costume fees are non-refundable once charged unless there are special circumstances.
Multi-Class Discount: Dancers enrolled in multiple classes will receive a 5% discount on their tuition!
Multi-Student Discount: Families that have multiple children enrolled at the studio are eligible for a 5% discount per child after the first child.
Declined Cards/Late Fees: Please make sure your credit card information is up-to-date by logging into your Dance Studio Pro parent portal and updating your information regularly. Declined cards may be subject to a $15 fee. Tuition or fees not paid by the 10th of each month will be subject to a $15 late fee.
Weather Cancellations: Elevé Arts Academy does not refund classes cancelled due to weather related cancelations. In the case of a weather related cancellation, dancers are welcome to come to another class, of a similar age, during the same month as the one missed. Email to schedule a make-up classes.
Make Up Classes: We want you to get your moneys worth out of our classes. We also understand that sickness, travel, or other family needs can cause your student to be absent. If your student misses a class, they are welcome to take another class during of a similar age during the same month as the one missed. Email to schedule a make-up classes.
No Miss Class Dates: We strongly encourage students to avoid missing classes during the month of April as it is unfair to the teacher and classmates who are preparing for the recital. Preparing for recital is a team effort.